- Pickle is having a past filled with a large number of years as it started at 4000 years prior to India. The safeguarding of leafy foods in salt and vinegar is called pickling. for Flavors, edible oil, sugar/jaggery, and so forth are added to improve the taste and satisfactory of the item. In this manner, pickles are acceptable to help in assimilation by invigorating the progression of gastric juices.
- The nutritive value of pickles varies with the kind of raw material used and method of preparation such as with or without fermentation. Manufacturing of pickles has developed as an industry in the country.
- Achar is a part of the diet of every Indian family and everyone has beautiful memories of their grandparents relating to it.
- There would have been hardly any Indian family who did not use pickles or made it at home. Have you ever thought while having a pickle as to where it originated from and how it became a part of the Indian kitchen?
- Pickles are usually made from a mixture of vegetables and fruit. They are eaten as a savoury, spicy accompaniment to a meal.